Friday, December 11, 2009
the end of a new begining. Dec 11 2009
ok rosa and i have decieded to blog we are now bloggers lol. ok for real now in less than 9 days i will be leaving my beloved 20's where life is carefree and wild. wait i did not expierenced a wild and carefree 20's see i was married at 18 and had our daghter at 20 and 1st son at 25 and 2nd at 26. i have not been what i call a model 20 something female. i dress in only jeans and t-shirts and have no idea how to wear make-up. my hair is always in a ponytail or bun and have yet to lose the baby fat from baby number 1 whom i might add just turn 9. so today i vow that i will become a new woman and transformer my self from a tomboy housewife to a 30 year old that will remind her husband who he married.
I met the man of my dreams when i was 18 and married him within 9 months prior to my 19th birthday. Thank God that against all odds and doubtful whispers we are still happily married and just celebrated 11 years. well then before i was old enough to legally drink or gamble in vegas God blessed us with our first child a little girl. well with a baby on the way i had to step to and find a steady and good health plan for us and i got my job as a caseworker for the welfare office before she was born. i worked and was a wife, mommy, and daughter for 5 years until we were blessed with baby no. 2 and also made a huge move to Idaho (we lived in Cali) I was hired for the state and once agan become 40+ worker, mommy and wife. in 2006 we were surprised and blessed with baby no. 3 and took another risk i quit working we moved back to Cali and i have been a housewife for the last 4 years. i have become the typical stay at home housewife i have gained 100 lbs and my hair is in a permenate ponytail.
with 9 days left before i become a 30 year old i have decided to transform myself from the baggy jeans, t-shirts, no make-up, and ponytail girl living in this daily routine of kids, cooking, cleaning, and leaving my house maybe 3 times a week. not to mention we now live with my mom and step dad. I want to become the woman my husband wants dressing more femine, doing my hair, and make-up. also i want to move into our own house prefably buy our own home and go back to work. i want to leave the tomboy girl and become a sexy woman. here are the Goals for the next 365 days.
1. Lose 75 lbs (ahh)
2. learn how to apply make-up and wear it daily.
3. leave the jeans behind and enter the world of women's clothing.
4.take care of my skin care.
5. do my hair daily and not in ponytails everyday.
6. get my job back and leave stay at home life.
7. buy our first and only home.
8. begin date night with hubby. 24 dates
9. feel sexy again.
10. save $3000
so i have 10 goals i have to achieve by Dec 20 2010. God help me.
I met the man of my dreams when i was 18 and married him within 9 months prior to my 19th birthday. Thank God that against all odds and doubtful whispers we are still happily married and just celebrated 11 years. well then before i was old enough to legally drink or gamble in vegas God blessed us with our first child a little girl. well with a baby on the way i had to step to and find a steady and good health plan for us and i got my job as a caseworker for the welfare office before she was born. i worked and was a wife, mommy, and daughter for 5 years until we were blessed with baby no. 2 and also made a huge move to Idaho (we lived in Cali) I was hired for the state and once agan become 40+ worker, mommy and wife. in 2006 we were surprised and blessed with baby no. 3 and took another risk i quit working we moved back to Cali and i have been a housewife for the last 4 years. i have become the typical stay at home housewife i have gained 100 lbs and my hair is in a permenate ponytail.
with 9 days left before i become a 30 year old i have decided to transform myself from the baggy jeans, t-shirts, no make-up, and ponytail girl living in this daily routine of kids, cooking, cleaning, and leaving my house maybe 3 times a week. not to mention we now live with my mom and step dad. I want to become the woman my husband wants dressing more femine, doing my hair, and make-up. also i want to move into our own house prefably buy our own home and go back to work. i want to leave the tomboy girl and become a sexy woman. here are the Goals for the next 365 days.
1. Lose 75 lbs (ahh)
2. learn how to apply make-up and wear it daily.
3. leave the jeans behind and enter the world of women's clothing.
4.take care of my skin care.
5. do my hair daily and not in ponytails everyday.
6. get my job back and leave stay at home life.
7. buy our first and only home.
8. begin date night with hubby. 24 dates
9. feel sexy again.
10. save $3000
so i have 10 goals i have to achieve by Dec 20 2010. God help me.
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